Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Hello, and welcome to Club Web.  Blogging has created a community of ideas, of neighborhoods, information and culture, and for our neighborhood--The Club--an information source for our neighbors to connect in a new and instantaneous way.
As we live and grow and develop new needs and information sources, this blogsite is established to provide a platform to post important news and anecdotes, the places and times and dates of meetings, get-togethers, safety tips and observations that we can share with our neighbors.
Nothing is so modern as driving in and out of the driveways of our houses without as much as a hello to a friend, knocking on the door of a neighbor after a storm or an earthquake.  Now, we can do that, through the digital medium of the internet.
Drop by, click in, share stories and ideas.  I'll moderate and edit, but I won't own this site. We own it.  It's ours. 
Let's grow it and have fun with it.  Share with it.  Be neighborly with it. 
Let's own it.